How to create hoi4 mods
How to create hoi4 mods

how to create hoi4 mods

Originally posted by Silent:Have you created the mod with your HoI4 launcher? When you do that you will have to type the name of your mod and then create a name of your directory folder. When you add the picture line just replace ww1france with whatever your thumbnail image is called and make sure you put the image into the directory folder. mod file when you create your mod using the hoi4 launcher) Picture="ww1france.png" (This is the line you would want to add in the.

how to create hoi4 mods

Path="mod/(whatever you named the directory)/" Open that with notepad and it will show this. It will also generate another file in there that says the name of whatever you named the directory with a. A blank folder with the name that you named your directory should show up in documents/paradoxinteractive/heartsofironIV/mods. Originally posted by SilentAssassin:Have you created the mod with your HoI4 launcher? When you do that you will have to type the name of your mod and then create a name of your directory folder.

How to create hoi4 mods