Meanwhile in the kaiserreich
Meanwhile in the kaiserreich

meanwhile in the kaiserreich

Unrest began to break out in the rear, imprisonment of Labour activists incited anger among the people as innocents were dumped in the street, beaten within an inch of their, or never seen again. The Internationale extended their front, breaking through Flemish-Walloonian defences as British marines shattered the Dutch fleet and made landings at the mouth of the Rhine. The Whermacht fell back to what the American volunteers called "The Rhine Line" but what its German defenders would call Verzagenlinie, the Line of Despair. Meanwhile the Union of Britain's Navy fought a hard battle against the Kriegsmarine though ultimately they proved evenly matched, even with French and Norwegian support. Ariel devastation from experimental bombs burst through the largest German fortifications, or simply incinerated their occupants, whilst Dague Squads and paratroopers took them out from behind, assisted by cloaked units of German Revolutionaries who had been preparing in secrecy since before the war began, led by the enigmatic British agent, Lawrence of Germania.

meanwhile in the kaiserreich

Communard artillery made a few tents in the larger forts to keep the Germans on their toes in a period which would become known as "Der Angeber Krieg"- The Phony War. The Luddendorflinie held against direct assault, it's just unfortunate that the French only made a show of one, sending in punishment battalions made up of political prisoners and other traitors, their hands bound to dummy rifles from the First Weltzkrieg. The Third International got into the war in April 1939 after forcing the event on Switzerland, and Mitteleuropa responded. Updated version with less annoying notes.

Meanwhile in the kaiserreich